The three wise monkeys are a Japanese pictorial maxim conveying the proverbial principle conveyed by Mizaru "see no evil, Kikazaru hear no evil, and Iwazaru speak no evil". do not align with the science of psychology and human reaction. The psychology was born in 18th century and the pictorial maxim was started in 17th century.. The road safety awareness messages such as don't drink and drive and don't jump red signals etc are negative affirmation words and negativity biased human brain prompts road users to turn upside down and road accident deaths are increasing. The science behind - When you tell someone not to do something, they are more motivated than ever to do it.
According to law of attraction and psychology the above defining of 3 wise monkeys and road safety awarenss raising messages are negative affirmation and we should change it to positive affirmation The surrounding is filled with negative energy. There is need of the hour for self-empowerment through thru conscious shift and recharge ourselves with positive energy to overpower and rule negative energy. Since negative information draws greater attention, it also may be seen as having greater validity and reality.
Understanding the need of the hour, Mother India Care has flipped the script and created 6 Wise Monkeys concept as shown in the below creative and they symbolizes the principle of
See only good Hear only good Think only good Do only good Be only good
The 6th monkey is holding a steering wheel to convey the message that we should consciously empower our all five subsequent stages with positive energy, maintain self control, stay committed to commitment and lead a stable, happy and successful life. We feed information to our mind through eyes, ears and mouth and if we feed negative information the result will be negative. If we feed positive information to our mind the outcome will be positive.
Mother India Care has started Action Implementation Movement - AIM and is transforming insights into reality by recharging oneself with positive energy to rule negative energy through conscious shift integrated for the 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030. The initiative involves the main campaign of "First learn how to drive human body and then learn how to drive metal body. Road users learn driving a vehicle but not learning the road safety and how to manage own body when on roads which is most important factor. Your positive actions powered with positive thinking results in success. Being negative results in failure because it holds you back from taking any action.
The science behind this is our brain releases cortisol chemical with negative thoughts and create stress and many of the health issues and prevent you from taking any action. The positive thinking releases seretonin chemical making you feel good and good health and encourage you to take action.
Get involved to make combined and powerful efforts to make a biggest CHANGE and do your bit to achieve the common smart goal. We are mobilizing actions and counting on all individual actions to flip the script to flip the result and rewrite destiny by recharging yourself with positive energy thru conscious shift..
Instead of promoting foreign concept let us unite to promote Indian concept and make world to follow us. So long the negative energy was ruling us and let us rule the negative energy by recharging oneself with positive energy.
The creative - Power of Positiveness is very usefull and giving amazing results to rule negative energy at offices and homes. The power of positiveness creative is giving much better result than keeping feng sui plants or fish to absorb negative energy. Every residential, offical premise and education institutions must put this creative on high visible area for better result. When our speaking, seeing and hearing is good, our thougts will be good and our action will be good and we will become good.
India recharging positive energy to rule negative energy. Join the Action Implementation Movement - AIM & commit to action & recharges with +ve energy to rule -ve energy.