A - The Introduction A-1.1: The pandemic has changed our life and world, it has ruined our health, our occupation, our economy and our future very badly. The pandemic has revealed inequity and marginalization on a wide range of issues. We are lacking the right frame of mind, behaviour and actions to manage and handle the current situation. We have unsafe roads, unsafe environment, unsafe economy and unsafe future. A-1.1: With the strong determination and stronger will power we have to reverse it and bring back our earlier world. We must rewrite destiny, rewire, recondition and reset the brain to ensure we take appropriate actions to achieve the desired outcome. Together we can make powerful efforts to transform a biggest change for a better future and greener world. A-1.1: United Nations has given a global call to act on 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs. United we win and divided we fall. The corona has given us a valuable lesson, income must come if you are under lockdown. B - The Objective B-1.1: In support of United Nations SDGs, Mother India Care - MIC has conceptualized a signature initiative Era to Era Reforms for a greener world to rewrite destiny with 5 F Matrix (Flip the script - Flip the mindset - Flip the action - Flip the focus - Flip the destiny) by tying it to a specific individual and also common SMART goals - CSGs. B-1.2: The reformatory 5F Matrix concept is aimed to involve every individual of 1.4 billion Indian populations and 100 million plus GW Jobs creation to achieve CSGs of green roads, green living and green economy for a greener world. The CSGs are constituted on the principle of law of attraction and aimed to flip power to peace and poverty to prosperity. The action and behavior of all our working associates and also all users/consumers who are tied up with specific individual and CSGs will be monitored and assessed and their ranking record will be maintained by us with premium options. B-1.3: The 100 Million GW Jobs creation has been done in 5 batches (100K jobs in first bath, 200K jobs in 2nd batch, 300K jobs in 3rd batch, 400K jobs in 4th batch and 99Million jobs in 5th Batch). The first batch will have integrated impact on Green roads and green economy, 2nd batch will have integrated impact on green living and green economy and 3rd, 4th & 5th batch will have impact on green economy and that development will balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. B-1.4: Our Era 2 Era Reforms projects are conceived in a unique way, with one objective bringing multiple benefits simultaneously, that is the beauty of our concept which we wish to extend globally and looking for the global partners, charity organizations and key stake holders for the collaborations. Our employment objective is integrated with a common goal and that will have a direct impact on common goal and this development will achieve balance between social, economy and environmntal sustainability. B-1.5: Based on law of attraction of psychology the script of 3 wise monkeys see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil have been flipped and redefined by MIC. The 6 wise monkeys of MIC convey the flipped and redefined script, see only good, speak only good, hear only good, think only good, do only good and be only good. B-1.6: Difficult tasks are difficult to do but easy to live with, easy tasks are easy to do but difficult to live with. New tasks are appeared to be difficult unless we are interested to learn or create interest to learn. Creating interest is limited to our mind level and for that we must have the willingness to see the virtual reality. After seeing the virtual reality we must take action steps regular basis to make that virtual reality to actual reality by going closer with the every steps taken. If we know that what is actual right for us but procrastinate by giving excuses that means we need to prepare our mind first by doing the anticipatory meditation for fes days that ranges from 7 to 21 days to store an information. Then the learning will become our interest and we can perfrom that specific task with focus to get the best result. Provided we want work on one self for physical fitness, mental fitness, emotional fitness, skill fitness and capacity fitness. If we want to be in comfort zone than we can not work on one self and we will be opting for an easy task to lead a just surviving life and remember just surviving is a slavery. The individuals who prefer difficult task thay become extraordinaries and thrive, the individuals who prefer easy tasks they remain ordinaries and just survive, ordinary people thrive with the extraordinaries and ordinaries can thrive by working on themselves. B-1.7: Right now the enrollments of 1st batch of 100K GW jobs are going on. Our research and planning team is working on to offer next batch GW jobs and also to create more GW jobs. Our 2030 agenda is to have road carnage free world, eco-friendly world and economically prosper world. B-1.8: We have started extensive collaboration and partnership programs globally with civil society organization, global partners, technology partners, to share the resources and work together for global abudances for a greener world. B-1.9: We empower individuals to become inner readers in order to become inner winners. We integrate science, spirituality & sustainability and fostering a culture of spiritual scientists and the mission of our organization is to cultivate a culture of science, spirituality, and social sustainability in communities. C-: Our Goal is - Global peace & prosperity.. Join us to be a Future changemakers and the ground breakers. .