Road Safety Audit - RSA is an independent agency comprises of road safety professionals, engineers & surveyors. RSA is providing audit services for road users audit, road journey audit, road safety social responsibility audit, post crash care audit, road traffic management audit and road infrastructure audit across India. We are also doing crash risk mapping. We are the national agency for road safety audit services and providing road safety audit service in collaboration with Global Bureau of Assessment Services GBOAS and thus providing dual certification.. We are auditing services, providing rating and ranking, mobilising impact and readiness and featuring it on National Road Safety Atlas NRSA
Roadside Infra Audit:
RSA team of professionals is engaged in examining and assessing the safety performance of an existing or future road infrastructure ( roads, intersections, roadsides, road sign boards, road humps, pothole etc), speed management, traffic management, vehicle safety standard, post crash response and also crash risk mapping. RSA team professionals work as pro-active investigations, and also reactive investigation of sites with histories of complaints or poor safety performance.
Road Stretch Audit:
RSA team of professionals undertake examining and assessing road stretches across India and providing rating to road stretches. We deserve better roads and we can always demand for the better roads if low rating roads are there in your area. We should know what roads are on papers and what are on ground.
Road Users Audit:
Not all the road users are more attentive and cautious towards road safety and majority of them are Risky Road User, for being so they are causing serious road crashes and are more dangerous fellow road users and their lives. Majority of road crashes are occurring due to human mistakes which can be corrected. We are correcting the mistakes of road users with our nationwide road users assessment campaign which is going on across the nation for road safety health check, risk assessment and follow up assessment. Road users assessment is the critical first step to preventions. The assessment involves road traffic crash, near-crashes (nearly had a crash) road safety behavioural deficits. . The road users who are successfully completing the training and assessment session will get host of exclusive privileges such as Gift Vouchers of Human Body Health Check, Metal Body Check, Vehicle Insurance, Car Accessories, Safe Road User Sticker, Certificate and also Safe Road User award*. We are also providing post crash training to road users to improve emergency response services to the road accident victims till the emergency response team arrives at the accident spot. In the training we provide tips to road users how to give the pre first-aid treatment post crash to victims.
Road Journey Audit:
Road users can assess their daily journey / travelling and prepare the details of all those traffic related risks they faced every day, and thereafter can generate their demand to overcome all those traffic related risks. We are also procuring road user's feedback (risk & demand) that include how many road users are supporting for specific demand. Road users can provide us their individual demand and or general demand with the details such as daily distance travelling, road traffic issues on their regular route, risk they face on roads and their demand and also how many road users are supporting for that demand for general demand. We are collecting feedback from road users and forwarding to competent authority for the necessary action, and making them to sign a pledge to address the issues of road users.
Road Safety Social Responsibility - RSSR Impact Audit
We all use public roads for our daily commuting. Roads are deadlier than pandemic because roads are killing around 500 people every day in India. India is no. 1 in road accident deaths in the world. Government is taking its own initiatives and we the citizen of India also do our bit as per our capacity for road safety to prevent daily road accident deaths in India. The activities and the impact of the activities will be featured in National Road Safety Atlas
Road Traffic Management Audit
We undertake Road traffic management audit service across India and provide rating for rod traffic management. The impact of traffic management will be featured in th national road safety atlas NRSA.
Post Crash Care Audit
We undertake post crash care audit service so to ensure the time emergency care and it's impact will be featured in the National Road Safety Atlas NRSA
Crash Risk Mapping.
RSA team also conduct survey with its Survey Vehicle which has been specially customized and equipped with multi cameras, laser based speed measurement and recording devices, laptop and GPS system. The process of recording the road environment, risks, hazards as well as facilities available is carried our by team of RSA professionals who are road safety experts. The mapping of accident prone area will be done for the area where accidents are occuring frequently. The road users can get it in the map or they can get the alert text messages to that effect.
Pothole Reporting:
We collect pothole details from road users forward it to concerned government department to resolve the issue. We also arrange to repair pothole with the support of public.
Violation Reporting:
We collect information from road users related to any type of violation and forward those details to competent authority for the necessary consideration and action.

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