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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

Amal Bharat Andolan


Introspect & become
A Genius Road User &
Join Introspectors Group

National Road Safety Atlas

Going Green

We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement

MIC Grandeur

Kaun Banega Supergenius

Runners Club India

Rally 2 Rule

All India & Wold rally 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

Disaster Relief Center

Beat Drug Menance

Road Safety Academy

Action & Prevention


National Dare of Mother India Care

 Executive Summary of Project 

 Executive Summary of Project on National Road Safety 


                                               Executive Summary


Not all road users have acquired road safety skill initially and they learned it through mind guided learning & mind always encourage us to do easy things over right things. They are considering mind guided learning as correct, final and their intelligence which is an inefficient memory. A self-taught person is a poor teacher and a worst student, If self-education is sufficient then schools and universities should be closed.


If the right seeds are not sown, weeds grow and become bushes and we consider these overgrown weeds as beneficial, which are harmful. We become what we sow in the garden of our mind and science proves it. It is madness to expect a harvest from an empty field without sowing the seeds and to expect road safety from your body without sowing the seeds of road safety in the garden of your mind. Spraying water on the leaves will not be fruitful, for that water should be supplied to the roots of the plant. Spraying knowledge on the superficial level will not fruitful, for that knowledge must be supplied to the inner intelligence


We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. If we keep doing what we've always done, we'll get what we've always got. Everyone wants to end this daily road carnage but that is the result of a process that everyone must follow. If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want  becomes sacrifice. Either you solve the problem or leave the problem but don’t live with the problem. If you can’t leave the problem then solve the problem at all cost,


The whole world is imparting outdated education in road safety such as don’t drink and drive, don’t jump red signals and don’t over speed etc. since many decades. This education is having restrictive words & human brain reacts to restrictive words & people go against the message. As a result, road accident deaths are increasing. Lack of inner knowledge of oneself harms oneself. The curriculum in schools & universities changes once in a decade but not in road safety education.


Expecting updated outcome with outdated input is madness. Staying updated will make you a master, staying outdated will make you a disaster. Science says, when the desired result is not achieved, upgrade the quality of seeds, process and soil.


Our team of professionals comprises of educationists, psychologists, cardiologists, spiritualists, scientists, analysts & activists after a years of tireless research work, have prepared a super special pedagogy on road safety, which is the advanced version. It provides inner mastery in road safety through combining science and spirituality. It uses combined powers and positive evolutionary psychology, making it very effective and unique in the world. It replaces the road safety pledge with the road safety oath, and it replaces restrictive words with unrestrictive ones.


This is the world's first revolutionary & scientifically proven solution for fixing behavioral errors at their root cause and establishing desired stable behavior. The researchers and spiritual scientists at MIC confirm that “we can use our intellect to use our mind to use our brain to change our mind for the better” & science proves it.


MIC have prepared a comprehensive project report on national road safety in the form of a Decade of Action Plan that addresses A2Z aspects & proposes various reforms, recommendations & implementations, which integrates science & spirituality


The decade of action plan has been inaugurated by Hon'ble Lokayukta of Karnataka Justice BS Patil through our special ceremonial event. We have designed 21 assets of the DOAP Toolkit, which we are developing & rolling out in a phased & timely manner.


If we sit together and discover what we were, what we are and what we will be, and what the problem is and what the solutions are and what is the best solution. Then in the process you will find that inner mastery of road safety promoted by Mother India Care is the best solution in the world to achieve vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India. It is transforming destructive behavior into protective behavior on the roads. You have learned the skill how to drive the metal body but you have never learned the skill how to drive the human body which you need to learn first.


Someone spends money, when we come into this world. Someone spends money for our upbringing and education. Someone spends money when we leave this world. Because of this free service we have developed the tendency of freeloading and expecting to get everything effortlessly. Even for taking the next breath you have to release the previous breath which you have already taken. If you don't release the breath that you have already taken, you can not take. If you want to receive something you have to give first. Receiving is reserved for those who give. All the values ​​of life have to be paid, only then you can add those values ​​to your life.. People who don’t pay they don’t pay attention, and free things are not respected. Comfort produces weakness and being weak is useless. Love of comforts and love of freeloading are the crutches in which the majority of people are getting trapped. 


With mastery of the inner world, we are committed to upgrade all road users to the next level of road safety in the outer world. With outer world knowledge you cannot excel in inner world. But with inner world knowledge you can excel in outer world.  We are engaging everyone, leaving no one behind, to make a united and powerful effort to overcome the Bad Road Sense BRS Virus, the same way we overcome the pandemic. DCWW practitioners are confirming that they are masters of their minds in road safety.


MIC is the only organization that promotes advanced road safety education that emphasizes inner mastery as well as outer mastery in road safety, and it will soon be followed by the rest of the world.



       MIC Decade of Action Plan  2030 ( Implementation – Recommendation)


A2Z Grand essentials of Super Special Pedagogy of Road Safety  to achieve Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India


Please click on the blue color text to know more details about that topic on the landing page of our website..


A. Promoting the Road Safety Oath (earlier called road safety pledge) an oath of commitment to nation on Rs. 20/- stamp paper & issuance of road user registration - RUR IDs, involving all road users, leaving no one behind by 26.11.26.


B. Promoting Didactic Course & Workout Workshops - DCWW practice in groups of 10 members for advanced inner mastery in road safety by following golden rules of super special pedagogy of road safety.


CRoad Users Audit & Ranking Profile (pedestrians, passengers, riders & drivers).


D.  Promoting road safety wisdom reminder stickers, reflective band & tape


E.  Promoting Road Safety Wisdom Games, Road safety Blindfold Games, Road Safety Action & Prevention Game, Road Safety Quiz contest & Rewards  program.


F.  Promoting advanced monitoring system–web-based tools for corrections, prevention, & concentration while on roads


G.  Promoting National Road Safety Atlas - Showcasing the road safety activities & impact of All Key Stakeholders. Register your profile, log your actions and make your every action count,


HRoad Journey Audit (Identify road traffic risk & raise demand to fix),


I.  Promoting golden rules of super special pedagogy & advocating for less use of honking and maintain restraint and harmony with fellow road user, and also advocating greater use of public transport and also walking and cycling to purchase daily essentials, wearing shoes while riding, extreme self-discipline, lane discipline & habit of gratitude .


J. Promoting onlione Wall of remembrance for road traffic victims


K.  Promoting Road Safety News & economical support to crash victims


L. Production of Road Safety Documentaries, movies, video games & magazine.


M. Rally to Rule – Bike & car rally (nationwide and worldwide)


N. Promoting advanced Road Safety Kit (Sleep and stress eraser)*


O  International driving license & international road safety training for visiting country.


P. Grace marks to DCWW certificate holders to students in academics.


Q. Grace marks to DCWW certificate holders to individuals in IELTS test  


R.  Promoting SOS callouts for emergency assistance .


S.  Performance audit for Road Infra,  Vehicles,, Road Traffic Management &  Post Crash Care..


T. Created one Lakh employment opportunity across India integrated to achieve Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India.


U. Road Safety Care - Mobile App with various features and a super special feature to control thoughts while on roads, a unique facility in the world.   


V.  Setting up manufacturing unit to manufacture crutches, artificial arms & legs.


W.  Chain of Disaster Relief Centers (formerly called Accident Relief Centers) across India with air ambulance, & ambulance drone, R&D Center,  robotic traffic brigade to assist traffic police on the road and fleet of public bus service.


X. Promoting Adopt – A – Km (maintain road stretch)


Y.  Dedicated Satellite with hi-tech telescopic cameras for video imaging to monitor real time movement of pedestrians & vehicles, with the facility to record on request.


Z. Road safety prayers at religious places (temple, church, mosque & gurudwara.


Recommendations to all key stakeholders and every citizen of India…..



1 - Recommendations to Government


1.1.  Remove negative affirmative words in the road safety awareness campaigns (don’t drink and drive, don’t jump red signals) use of don’t, no and not words and instead use positive affirmative words.


1.2.  Obtaining road users unique Ids should be mandatory for all road users..


1.3.  DCWW practice of super special pedagogy of road safety, mandatory for all.


1,4.  Road users ranking should be made mandatory for all road users


1.5. Provisional & momentarily safe passage for Ambulance with the existing infrastructure by doing small modification in road traffic lights - when ambulance is coming, yellow plus green lights both should glow & public will be educated to be on the left side of the road till the ambulance is passes


1.6. To give an advance warning to drivers coming behind them, it should be mandatory for drivers to wave a red cloth in their hands while stopping, and to keep doing so until the next vehicle at the back stops as well.


1.7.  Implement a new Tax collection from car owners, when the car is moving on the road with alone driver or single passenger, cars take up more space on roads.


1.8.  Lockdown for youth from time to time


1.9.  Improve standards of public transport


1.10.  Provision for moveable dividers on busy roads


1.11.  Speedy repair of pothole



2   -  Recommendation to Educational Institutions


2.1.  Promote A to J & P components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.


2.2.  Encourage children to present their parents the national dare of Mother India Care for inner mastery in road safety.



3 -   Recommendation to Embassies


3.1  Promote A to J & Q components of the A2Z golden essentials.



4 -   Recommendation to Corporate


4.1.  Promote A to J & X components of the A2Z grand essentials


4.2.  Include Road Safety Proficiency - RSP Ranking profile in the hiring policy.



5   Recommendation to religious organizations


5.1. Promote A to J & Z components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above..



6 - Recommendation to sports organizations


6.1. Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.



7 - Recommendation to financial organizations


7.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above. 



8 - Recommendation to Transport Unions


8.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.. 


8.2.  Replace “Sound Horn Ok’’ written on the back of the vehicles with “Keep Distance”.



9 - Recommendation to Media Organizations


9.1. Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.



10 - Recommendation to Charity Organization


10.1. Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.



11 - Recommendation to Business (small & medium)


11.1. Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above. 



12 - Recommendation to Government Organizations


12.1. Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials. mentioned above.   




13 -  Recommendation to Traffic Warden Organizations


11.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.



14 - Recommendation to Hospitals


14.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.


14.2  .If one door of closes, another door opens – Cheers !!



15 - Recommendation to Celebrities


15.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above. 



16 - Recommendation to Coaching Academies


16.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above. 



17 - Recommendation to Driving Schools


17.1.  Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above. 



18 – Recommendation for public


18.1. Promote A to J components of the A2Z grand essentials mentioned above.    


18.2.  Formation of Road safety clubs (locally) residential & commercial, to foster a culture of conscious community and encourage citizens to get involve in nation building activities in addition to own house building and managing it.


18.3. Mob lynching is illegal keep yourself away from such incidents.


18.4. Maintain harmony, sobriety & respect fellow road users as we all are sharing common space – common roads. .


On 26.11.24 we are commemorating our 10th foundation day & 75th constitution day thru MIC Grandeur, celebrating a decade of proud history with our associates & supporters. On 26.11.26 we will be celebrating a dozen reasons for a dozen years celebration and will be conducting lucky dip fairly & on camera by selecting the RUR IDs numbers issued to road users & first prize is Rs. 1 crore cash, 2nd is a Car, & 3rd is a bike.


We will be obtaining necessary approvals from the Central Government and State Governments from time to time and wherever applicable. We have created 1 Lakh employment opportunities and impart them 3 Super Master Skills of Billionaires integrated to achieve our goal of Vision 100. – learn and earn.


Call for Action - Adopt advanced inner mastery in road safety, instead of adopting accidental suicide, artificial limbs & crutches. We have started Amal Bharat Andolan on road safety & the slogan of the movement is “Do good work immediately, Do it Now, Do it right now”.  Join Amal Bharat Andolan for inner mastery in road safety & also to take responsibility of your actions instead of victimity.                        


        Thank You.                                                            


 Golden Benefits of DCWW Practice for inner mastery in road safety 

Sowing the sanitized word seeds in the garden of your mind and thru DCWW practice you will be able to transform........

A. Awareness into preparedness

B. Accident Provocation to Accident Prevention

C. Unaccountability to Accountability

D. Unrestrictive freedom into restrictive freedom

E. Mind Slavery to Mind Mastery

F. Instant Gratification into Deferred Gratification

G Deficiency inty Sufficiency

H. Weak inner intelligence into strong inner intelligence

I. Indiscipline  into Extreme Self-descipline

J. Errors into Corrections

K. Crassness to smartness

L. Outdated to updated

M. Downgraded to Upgraded

N. Unsafe road travel to safe road travel

O. Part of problem to a part of solution

P. Road Rage to road restraint

Q. Road traffic lawbreaking to lawabiding citizen 

R. Chasing time to making the time to chase.R9. Casualness to seriousness

S. Non-committed to committed

T. ocassional to habitual practitioner of gratitude

U. Occasional practitioner of gratitude to a habitual practitioner.

V.  Negative cosmic bank balance to positive bank balance

W.  Illussion to visionW5. Short life to long life

X. Nil advance planning to advance planning

Y.  loser to gainer

Z.  Lock to unlock

Honorary member of Citizen India Club & a first class citizen of India


 Government Circular & Letters 
 The Organization 
 Message By Hon'ble Lokayukta of Karnataka Justic BS Patil 
 Amal Bharat Andolan 
 Halflife of knowledge 
 Side effects of Comfort  
 Staying updated will make you a master, staying outdated will make you a disaster. 

 1. Staying Updated will make you a master 

 2. Staying outdated will make you a Disaster 


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