Please do not pay any money to any unauthorized person or our authorized person for getting a job at Mother India Care, we can not be held responsible for such dealing.
Adopt Road Safety Oath
Vatan Ka Heera - Dare
Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022
Amal Bharat Andolan
Introspect & become A Genius Road User& Join Introspectors Group
National Road Safety Atlas
Going Green
We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement
Cognitive Skill Test
Kaun Banega Supergenius
Runners Club India
Rally 2 Rule
All India & Wold rally
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....
Sustainable Road Safety Center
Beat Drug Menance
Road Safety Academy
Action & Prevention
National Dare of Mother India Care
Gimba Therapy
The Revolutionary Solution - For Road Safety Sustainability
Statistically, human behavioral errors cause 92% of road crashes. Various scientists in the world have said that humans will make behavioral mistakes, we have to change the factors in the outside world that contribute to making mistakes. If science raises its hand then we can take the help of spirituality. Even western people are taking the help of spirituality, they adopted Dhyna from spirituality and named it meditation..
Researchers and spiritual scientists at Mother India Care have found in the Root Cause Analysis - RCA that we can improve cognitive situation management and mind management to establish desired stable behavior. Just as road users can provoke road accidents, road users can prevent road crashes. Pure vegetarians are very conscious and cautious while following their dietary rules, similarly road users can also be more conscious and cautious. During crisis all external factors fail to provide help, only our inner strength provides help.
Road users face new and different situations on the road every day and have to handle them on their own, which is called cognitive situation management (CSM), and no school or institute in India is teaching CSM. As a result all road users have become cognitive bias and mental bias whereas they have to be cognitive coherent, expertise of cognitive situation management and mind master.
“We can use our intellect to use our mind to change our brain to change our mind for the better”. “If we keep doing what we have always done, we will keep getting what we have always got”. We have to work on the inner world and the outer world for the necessary improvement and integration. The approach is a confluence of science & spirituality. Science can’t do everything, we have to seek the support of spirituality. Science could not convert food into blood. Even science has not been able to find the exact time of our birth, it happens when we enter the womb and this secret of the time of birth and death is reserved by the Almighty.
Upon completion of the Root Cause Analysis – RCA, the concise report of executive research white paper is prepared. A2Z essentials of road safety pedagogy including 12 pillars Cognitive engineering program as a revolutionary solutions has been designed to achieve Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030.
A2L components are the 12 pillars of cognitive engineering programs to improve cognitive situation management and also mind management of road users. M2Z components are designed for the improvement of outer world and also for the integration of inner world and outer world.
A1 We aredivided and that is the reason around 500 road users are dying and around 1100 and getting disabled in road traffic tragedies which is a man-made disaster.
A2 We all make mistakes and never correct our mistakes. Uncorrected mistakes are repeated.
A3 We keep our eyes open and find fault in the outer world and advocate to make changes in the outer world.
A4 We have to close our eyes and look inside us as we are the problem and we are the solution.
A5. We question the world, but we never question ourself. We have to introspect,
A6. Research has established that all road users are well aware off road traffic rules and road safety but not prepared to prevent road traffic disaster. Failing to prepare means preparing to fail. Remeber, when the disaster strikes, preparation time is already passed.
A7. All road users must convert awareness into preparedness and heal their forune and legacy in road safety, because with the present situation we are heading for a road traffic disaster and leaving a road traffic disaster in our legacy.
A8 We have to be united to bring a biggest transformative change in the society the way we united and defeated pandemic by shoing our solidarity on this national platform and national initiative..
A9. We should keep our eyes, ears, and mind open and always be ready to change our opinion, as we gather more knowledge.Conflict lies not in objective reality, but in our thinking.
A10 We have to find out, what were we, what are we, what will we be & additionally we must find what is right not who is right & do what is right not what is easy.
A11 Road users must take the responsibility to promote the initiative in their network and must engage 10 members and become Revolutionary Hero , and engage 100 and become Revolution Superhero and get the certificate accordingly.
A12. We have to use our power and energy in the solution.
B1. Cognitive meditation also known as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), a set of techniques has been developed that teaches people to be aware of their thoughts and feelings without judgment.
B2. In MBCT people connect with their thoughts, manage their mind, become more aware of their meta-cognition, negative thought patterns and respond in skillful ways.
B3 Chanting of any of the divine maha-mantra (Ram, Hallelujah, Allah Hoo, Waheguru) or as per your option.
C1 We have set of various topics related to mind management and how to integrate inner world and outer world in road safety.
C2. We can use our intellect to use our mind to change our brain to change our mind. How information change our thought, our action and our behavior and also how behavior change of thought we must learn
C3. We supply our website page links to road users and they refer those pages and understand the contents properly.
C4 We also provide a topic and the participant has to do the research on that topic and send us the research report.
C5. Road users have to apply for the online test wherein they have to answer set of questions with in a specified time.
C6. After passing the test the student will have to proceed to the next level which is cognitive commitment, cognitive input and cognitive gym
C7. You can learn and understand the cognitive mechanism and become a super master in road safety.
Make a special resolution to adopt Road Safety Oath & the Oath of commitment to Nation on Rs. 100 e-stamp paper as an affidavit to foster a robust mindset.
D1 Guardians of road safety are running a campaign of road safety pledge across the globe to build the mindset of road users. We also followed the world and made road users to adopt a road safety pledge. We did it by printing leaflets and also took the volunteering help of India army to make road users to adopt road safety pledge. But we have found that this pledge signing campaign is not reducing road accident deaths.
D2 The purpose of the Road Safety Pledge is to create a strong mindset and engage in the practice what we should do on the roads and what not to do on the roads. But the road safety pledge is not working due to the lack of sanitized input, lack of strong process and lack of practice and lack of input supply to subconscious. If the input is zero then output will also be zero. Moreover, it is free of charge and people don't respect free things.
D3 The whole world is imparting outdated education in road safety such as don’t drink and drive, don’t jump red signals and don’t over speed etc. since many decades. This education is having restrictive words & human brain reacts to restrictive words & people go against the message. As a result, road accident deaths are increasing. Lack of inner knowledge of oneself harms oneself.
D4 To establish consistent and appropriate behavior regarding road safety, road users must first develop a robust cognitive mindset. They should then engage in essential anticipatory practices, including anticipatory action, anticipatory attention, anticipatory prevention, and anticipatory responsibility. These practices should be maintained over a significant period which are called cognitive practices.
D5 According to scientific principles, if desired results are not achieved, it is necessary to enhance the quality of the foundational elements—such as the seeds, soil, and processes. Thus, Cognitive engineering steps in that transforms, reduces, elaborates, stores, recovers, integrates and uses sensory input for a desired and specific purpose.
D6 The Road Safety Oath, along with the Oath of Commitment to the Nation, is not merely a formal requirement; it is of vital importance and a basic essential and process of Cognitive engineering. This oath binds citizens to their promises—ethically, morally, socially, legally, spiritually, and patriotically. Every citizen must remain committed to and respect the commitments made in this road safety oath. The Oath of Commitment to the Nation signifies an individual's dedication, loyalty, and service to the country. By making this formal commitment, citizens express their support for the nation.
D7. The Road Safety Oath employs positive language from evolutionary psychology and a powerful process that combines seven sources to deliver input to inner intelligence. This mechanism is scientifically proven and unparalleled in the world. Using a ₹100 e-stamp paper to write the road safety oath in your own handwriting enhances the impact on your mindset. A photograph of the completed document should be submitted as part of the verification process. We provide tutorial videos and webinar support to facilitate Didactic Cognitive Workout Workshops (DCWW)
D8. The cognitive commitment is the first and foremost essential of the Cognitive Engineering.
D9 We issue a unique RUR ID to each road user. With this registration ID, users can access exclusive privileges and discounts on our various products designed to promote mastery in road safety, as well as to instill the trust factor: "I CAN BE TRUSTED."
D 10 We are confident that no one desires to hold the status of "I CAN'T BE TRUSTED."
D11. We arrange group prayers for those road users who have received RUR number and based on the RUR serial number calculation we arrange prayers for such road users.
Transfer cognitive activities in the brain memory to activate your brain to function on autopilot mode when the mind is absent. A special mechanism called Gimba Therapy is used in this process, and cognitive mapping is being done.
E1 Transfer cognitive activities in the brain to activate your brain to function on autopilot mode when the mind is absent
E2 Cognitive activities can be stored in the brain using special mechanismcalled Gimba Therapy.
E3 Gimba Therapy involves 4 step process and are uninstallation, neutralization, installation and integration.
E4. The combined power of 7 sources (reading, listening, speaking, breathing, writing, visualizing and watering) are enabling cognitive storage.
E5. Road users are encouraged to set their own limits using seven positive self-driving forces.
E6 We utilize sanitized positive evolutionary psychological data that is suitable for storage in brain memory and also for cognitive mapping.
E7. Cognitive storage is an important process of cognitive engineering.
E8 Road users are required to purchase a Fortune & Legacy Care Kit from us, which is designed for cognitive activity storage in the brain.
E9 The Fortune & Legacy Care Kit is useful for converting information into samskara (sacraments).
E10.Cognitive engineering integrates the inner world and the outer world for a sustainable road safety world.
Didactic Cognitive Workout Workshop DCWW & practicing cognitive activities and cognitive situation management that includes situation awareness, situation modeling, situation sensing, fusion, perception, understanding, projection, situation reasoning, learning, detection, situation monitoring and control, assessing the veracity and accuracy of situation awareness. Road user can and experience the function of brain default mode network, mind mastery in road safety and also use cognitive postures and cognitive reminders to enhance cognitive intelligence, become road safety expertise.
F1: After completing the cognitive storage process, road users must engage in a cognitive gym as part of the Didactic Cognitive Workout Workshop (DCWW) to practice a set of cognitive rules.
F2: The Didactic Cognitive Workout Workshop (DCWW) helps participants understand the function of the brain's default mode network and utilize cognitive reminders to become experts in road safety.
F3: The cognitive gym serves as a unique resource to transform information into lasting habits (samskara). Once this transformation occurs, the brain can operate in autopilot mode.
F4: Road users face new and different situations on the road every day and have to handle them on their own, which is called cognitive situation management (CSM), and no school or institute in India is teaching CSM and as a result all road users have become cognitive bias and mental bias whereas they have to be cognitive coherent and expertise of cognitive situation management.
F5: Cognitive coherence means the degree to which thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are consistent with each other, forming a reliable and integrated understanding or mental model.
F6. Cognitive situation management is the ability that includes situation awareness, situation modeling, situation sensing, fusion, perception, understanding, projection, reasoning, learning, detection, monitoring and control, assessing the veracity and accuracy of situation awareness.
F7: Key Components of Complete cognitive training:
Minimizing cognitive distraction
Paying Cognitive attention
Executing cognitive corrections,
Cognitive perception to assess potential hazards from cues,
Averting accidents proactively in the first place,
Observing road surface and road furniture,
Adhering to road traffic rules
Adhering to cognitive rules
Cognitive Recognition – identifying objects.
Cognitive intention – what action will lead to what outcome
Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management
Cognitive Decision making and reaction time
Signaling your intentions 5 sec advance (Turning, stopping, lane changing)
Keeping a safe distance,
Engaging in cognitive self-talk on road safety while moving on roads.
Taking responsibility for preventing accidents
Avoiding accident provocations
F8 Cognitive rules emphasize minimizing honking, maintaining restraint and harmony with other road users, promoting public transport, walking, and cycling for daily short distance needs, wearing appropriate footwear while riding, practicing extreme self-discipline, following lane discipline, and cultivating a habit of gratitude.
F9. The duration of Cognitive Gym is 120 days and 180 days and road user should pay the requisite fee towards cognitive gym.
Online link to register for Cognitive Gym for DCWW Practice
Road users cognitive monitoring system featuring web-based tools for corrections, prevention, and focus while on the roads, allowing road users to log their activities daily. We are basing to launch Advanced cognitive monitoring system ACMS (device and camera unit) to be fitted in the vehicle and two wheeler.
G1 We currently provide web-based tools for road users as part of a cognitive monitoring system. This system includes features for corrections, prevention, and maintaining focus while driving.
G2 Road users can log their daily activities related to cognitive engagements and cognitive correction.
G3 We are planning to introduce an Advanced Cognitive Monitoring System (ACMS), which includes a device and camera unit that can be installed in vehicles and two-wheelers for cognitive monitoring purposes.
G4 A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem can seduce you, a genius can inspire you but only you can save yourself. Hence Mahabharata 2 A great battle with oneself by oneself.
G5 Awareness is the lowest form of impact and preparation is the highest form of impact. Darkness has no match with the light but light must be active because in the absence of light the darkness is automatic. Unpreparedness is no match with preparedness but the preparedness must be active because in the absence of preparedness the unpreparedness is automatic.
G6. Remember when disaster strikes time to prepare has passed. We convert awareness into preparedness.
Cognitive ability test is conducted online video imaging using the camera of multiple mobile phones. Soon we will provide ACMS to install inside the vehicles.
H1 In road safety cognitive reflection test CRT we assess the cognitive ability of the road user.
H2 Currently, we can conduct this test online using existing technology that leverages video imaging from multiple mobile phone cameras on our platform.
H3 Our instructors assist road users in setting up the stand and mobile device in their vehicles and ensure the recording takes place during the designated time slot.
H4 Our examiner reviews the recorded video and makes a decision based on the performance of the road user.
H5 Following the examiner's decision, the road user will be notified and issued a certificate if they pass. If they fail, they will need to retake the test.
H6. In B Grade CRT we use 2 cameras and in A grade CRT we use 4 cameras. Every road user must pass B Grade CRT by paying the requisite fee.
H7. We are planning to introduce an Advanced Cognitive Monitoring System (ACMS), which includes a device and camera unit that can be installed in vehicles and two-wheelers for cognitive monitoring purposes.
Use the below Online link to apply for the road safety CRT test
Maintain a Road Users Ranking – Road Safety Proficiency (RSP) Profile on our platform, encouraging corporations to incorporate road user rankings into their hiring policies.
I1 We are maintaining road safety cognitive intelligence profile of interested road users.
I2. We provideRoad Users Ranking – Road Safety Proficiency (RSP) score to road users.
I3. Road users ranking is like a CIBIL score wherein road users have the simulation opportunity to improve their RSP score
I4. We are encouraging corporations to incorporate road user rankings into their hiring policies.
I5. Road users with excellent RSP score are offered special privileges in the form of special gift vouchers and discount offers. Road users with low RDP scores will have to face certain restrictions.
Online link to register your Cognitive profile also called road users ranking showing road safety proficiency RSP score
Engagein Cognitive Games, including cognitive tasks, Blindfold Games, Action & Prevention Games, the Wisdom of Road Safety (Snake & Ladder), & Road Safety Quiz contests for cognitive maintenance.
J1 Road user must engagein Cognitive Games and cognitive tasks to maintain cognitive functions.
J2 Road users must play Blindfold Games which includes blindfold run with and without guide, blindfold cycling ( with guide) and blindfold driving 2 wheeler and four wheeler driving with guide.
J3 Road users must play action and prevention games using their fingers. In this game, upon receiving a command, the participant must act. If the participant fails to act, they will prevent getting “slapped” on their joined hands.
J4 When "crow" is called out, the participant must lift their finger. When "cow" is called out, they must mimic walking with two fingers. If "crow red" or "cow red" is announced, the participant must wait for the next command.
J5 Road users should play the "Wisdom of Road Safety" game (a version of Snakes and Ladders). If they land on a snake hood, they must read a safety message before moving down to the end of the snake tail.
J6 Road users are encouraged to participate in online road safety quiz contests.
J7 Road users should participate in various cognitive tasks to stay informed and updated.
Road users who commit cognitive errors must undergo cognitive bias modification therapy CBMT to break cognitive bias & mental bias & also for their cognitive functioning improvement. Govt should make cognitive law.
K1 If we keep doing what we have always done, we will keep getting what we have always got.
K2 If increasing road traffic fines is not effective and road users continue to violate traffic rules, we need to take a different approach. It is madness to do the same thing and expect different results.
K3 Road users who make cognitive errors and violate traffic rules often repeat their mistakes. They must be penalized and engaged with additional activities.
K4 Road users must undergo Cognitive Bias Modification Therapy CBMT to break their cognitive bias, mental bias (mind slavery) and also for their cognitive functioning improvement.
K5 If plan is not working we should change the plan. Being self-aware is not the absence of mistakes, but the ability to learn and correct them.
K6 The cognitive rehabilitation process is the very useful essential for the cognitive functioning improvement.
K7. Maintaining road safety sustainability becomes the responsibility of all road users the moment they hit the road and it should be a cognitive law. With this road users will take the responsibility and it will be very useful to maintain peace and harmony on roads (road rage death incidents can be eliminated). Slight dent or scratch leads to road rage death. Notification should be issued prior to make it a law and Public will be educated and then the cognitive law can be made.
K8 Breach in road safety incidents are manmade disaster, not natural disaster. If we do not address the root cause of the problem we will have to act as emergency services.
Use the below Online link to apply for the road safety cognitive rehabilitation
L1 Our responsibility is not limited to just building our house on the land of our country, we have to participate in nation building activities to become respectable citizens of India.
L2. We elect our representatives to take the lead in providing proper civic amenities and our tax money is being used for this purpose. We can form local clubs and contribute small amount to maintain the stretch of road.
L3 As citizens of India, we have a collective cognitive responsibility (CCR) to understand the essential knowledge related to road safety and ensure that others are informed as well.
L4. Our safety is our responsibility and we have to take action steps to ensure our safety. We should not rely on other for our safety.
L5. We must maintain the driving time of the driver and to ensure the safety of the driver make the telephone call during the off road time.
L6. Every individual must set the status on the mobile phone as "Driving" when behind the wheels
L7 Road users who are participating in nation building activities they are becoming a member of Citizen India Club, we foster a conscious community at CIC and honor exceptional individuals for their services to society with super citizen India award and also with Vatan Ka Heera Award.
L8 We must adhere to and promote the fundamental principles of effective road safety education. This includes minimizing honking, maintaining restraint and harmony with other road users, encouraging the use of alternate transport {public transport}, walking, and cycling for short distances, wearing appropriate footwear while riding, practicing self-discipline, following lane discipline, and fostering an attitude of gratitude.
L9 By practicing together, we can motivate and encourage one another to stay committed to these principles.
L10 These road safety cognitive rules will be upgraded and updated on regular basis and road users are required to follow them
Use the below link to apply for road safety cognitive collective responsibly.
We are promoting National Road Safety Atlas showcasing the roster of road users and also roster of the road safety activities & impact of road safety guardians. It is essentials for road safety guardians to register their profiles, document their actions and ensure that every action is recognized. make your every action count. A ranking profile for Road Safety Guardians is maintained in our database. The occurrence of a fatality in a road accident will adversely affect the ranking of the associated road safety guardianship, which includes corporate educational institutions and religious organizations, based on the affiliation of the victim.
M1 We are currently at stage four in the development of reflex action (1. Information – 2. Thoughts – 3. Action – 4. Behavior – 5. Reflex). We have surpassed the emergency alert level, and it is essential that we take necessary measures to reverse this trend.
M2 If we reach stage five which is a reflex action, then even god can not change this reflex. Therefore, we must focus on road safety education, training, and awareness campaigns very seriously. The time has come to ensure that every road user is adequately prepared, rather than relying solely on awareness.
M3 To effectively work on behavior change, we need to address the root causes instead of just treating the symptoms. Road safety campaigns should be based on established psychological principles and scientific evidence.
M4 We are promoting a unified platform to showcase road safety campaigns and the impact of these campaigns called National Road Safety Atlas.
M5 The National Road Safety Atlas will highlight various road safety initiatives and the achievements of road safety guardians including their road safety guardian raking.
M6 It is essential for road safety guardians to register their profiles, document their actions, and ensure that every effort is acknowledged. Make every action count.
M7 Our database maintains a ranking profile for road safety guardians. The occurrence of a fatality in a road accident will negatively impact the ranking of the associated road safety guardianship, which includes corporate educational institutions and religious organizations, depending on the affiliation of the victim.
Research supportcan do wonders and we have a team of researchers and scientists who are focusing on road safety. Researchers and scientists bridge the gap between basic and applied research by understanding and applying cognitive principles to complex problems in our society. We are focusing on road safety research.
We have dedicated road safety news channel on road safety and basisng to set up our own TV channel to provide road safety related important information.
We are in the process of collaborating with various countries to provide International Driving License to the candidates. We also provide road safety training to road users traveling abroad and road users can learn the road safety rules of the country they are travelling.
We are collaborating with the embassies and educational institutions in India to provide grace marks to the road users who possess Cognitive engineering program completion certificate.
Embassies should give grace marks in IELTS exam
Educational institutions should increase grace marks in studies.
We are preparing to launch a mobile application featuring various functionalities, including speed control, cognitive activity exercises, and a groundbreaking feature designed to manage thoughts while driving, making it a unique offering globally.
One Lakh Employment Opportunities Across India: Our Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030 has created 1 lakh jobs in India. This will help us achieve this set goal much before its set deadline. We provide 3 super master skills of billionaires to aspiring entrepreneurs so that they can excel in their domain. Additionally, we aspire to cultivate the world’s wealthiest individual and the foremost spiritual leader from the MIC family by 2039.
X1 Unemployment is on the rise, and job security is diminishing. In this context, it is essential to foster the creation of more entrepreneurs. However, starting and running a business requires specific skills, capacity, mindset, resources, and knowledge.
X2 Some organizations offer programs for aspiring entrepreneurs, providing instruction on project report preparation, market and product analysis, as well as guidance on statutory requirements for business and tax registration.
X3 Even after gaining a few years of practical experience in a job, many individuals decide to start their own businesses. Unfortunately, about 95% of startups fail within the first 1 to 2 years, leading to significant financial losses. Additionally, new hires are often let go due to poor performance. A common challenge for both startups and employees is a lack of adequate connections. To address this issue, Mother India Care has launched the Thrive India National Program, a one-year pre-entrepreneurial initiative aimed at Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030.
X4. Aspirants can join us as Road Safety Advisors, where we provide training in three key skills commonly found among billionaires. These skills will enable students to excel as job seekers, entrepreneurs, or intrapreneurs. Road Safety Advisors build connections by engaging with road users to encourage them to commit to a special resolution (cognitive commitment), which can provide a payout if the road user subscribes. Advisors who complete 10,000 connection-building interactions will be recognized with the "Vatan Ka Heera Award" during a special event. Mother India Care aims to usher in a Diamond Era for India by 20234
We plan to setup a network of Sustainable Road Safety Centers across India, equipped with air ambulances, drone ambulances, research and development centers, meditation facilities, driving tracks, vehicles and simulators, a robotic traffic brigade to support traffic police, evacuation centers, nuclear-shielded buildings, sports complexes and manufacturing Unit to produce crutches, artificial limbs, and bicycles.
Dedicated Satellite: We will deploy a satellite for real-time video imaging to monitor pedestrian and vehicle movements, with the capability to record upon request. For more and updated information on this essential click in the this link
We have undertaken a task to conduct road safety prayers at various religious sites (temples, churches, mosques, and gurudwaras) for road users who have completed the resolution process, Gimba Therapy and also for the road crash victims. For more and updated information on this essential click in the this link
On November 26, 2025, we will illuminate the Akaal Akhand Jyoti at one of our SRS Centers, which will burn eternally with Desi Ghee. This light symbolizes knowledge, while darkness represents ignorance. More updates on this link
Vision 100 action campaigns are mentioned in the A2M. We have prepared recommendations for all road users, all road safety guardians to take action as per their capacity to achieve vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030. Together we can achieve this goal much before the set deadline and by 2028.
It is relevant to mention here that we have tried to address the A2Z aspects of road safety. Hence we have provided solution to road rage incidents, solution to prevent rear end collision, and also the provision of free passage to ambulance with the existing infrastructere. We have also recommended imposing additional tax on private car owners who travel alone in a car and occupy too much space on the road, causing traffic jams. We have addressed honking issue and promoting alternate transport.
Mother India Care ushered in Mahabharata 2 and prepared 12 pillars cognitive engineering program, a Chakravyu for the mind, as mind is ruling us since the beginning of the time. A battle with 1Self by 1Self has begun to rule over our mind. We have started Amal Bharat Andolan on road safety to include everyone and leaving no one behind. The slogan of the movement is “Do good work immediately-Do it now-Dow it right now”.
We have also issued recommendations to center government to make laws as recommended in the clause 26 of this report. We have also issued recommendations to in the and state government for the implementation of our recommendations in their state.
We have made recommendations to all organizations to take action as per their capacity. We have made recommendations to corporate and business entities to include road safety proficiency RSP Ranking in their hiring policy.
We have made a 3 phase strategy, 1st phase is Unification (Registration & Introspection), 2nd phase is Participation (Input & Practice) and 3rd phase is Preparation (Formation & Integration). Let us unite to convert awareness into preparedness. We all have to make combined & powerful efforts to conquer the silent epidemic which is Bad Road Sense BRS Virus. Road users who are completing 12 pillar of road safety cognitive engineering program, they are all becoming cognitive coherent, master of their mind in road safety and moving to the next level of road safety. All for one and one for all.
United we win and divided we fall. The sooner the implementation, the sooner results will be achieved.